Tag: toms insights

Author | Poet | Coach

Recipes In Rhyme

Recipes in Rhyme

This latest Publication of mine has taken me into territory where I have limited knowledge. I can say, however, that although my talent as a cook is moderate, I am an enthusiastic amateur. Recipes in Rhyme is for everyone – whether you are a highly competent cook or keen to get better. The idea to…
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The Corporate Menagerie – How did you choose the characters?

Yes, it wasn’t simply a straightforward choice to include all the animals that came to mind. Diversity and Equality features prominently in The Menagerie, so it was important to ensure that there was a correct balance of personalities that would represent a fair cross section of global society. I also drew on my experience of…
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The Corporate Menagerie – Why the Menagerie? Why Animals?

I blame my Mother – God rest her soul. She used to describe people as animals and would hoot at her own imagination. It must have penetrated my subconscious because I have tended to do the same – for my sins! Then, of course, we use metaphors in everyday language e.g. brave as a lion,…
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