Poem – Idiomatically Animalistic!

So, you found a little red squirrel
and now you’re hysterical
because its sitting in the front seat of your car
But don’t get a bee in your bonnet
(hope you’re following this sonnet)
after all you haven’t driven that far.
To be perfectly frank,
if it was a tiger in your tank
you’d be cheesing like a chimpanzee
But if it had been ants in your pants,
that would have caused you to rant
you’d be itching to get out of here!
A little bird told me,
she said if only,
you didn’t always act like that
so, just hold your horses
till we get this sorted
and get that monkey off your back.
There’s always a fly in the ointment
and usually excitement
you’re like a bull in a china shop
you give me butterflies in my gut
so just screw the nut
then I won’t have to watch like a hawk
The world is your oyster
(or should that be lobster)
best let sleeping dogs lie
You can’t each an old dog new tricks,
there is no quick fix
but surely, we can but try
It’s a chicken and egg situation,
that’s what we’re facing
I don’t want to disturb a hornet’s nest
I’m no wolf in sheep’s clothing,
but it’s me you have chosen
because you said that I knew best
Curiosity killed the cat
I thought you knew that
(Hell, it’s like leading a horse to water
but I’m starting to think
I can’t make him drink
and I’m wondering if I otter!)
This all started with a squirrel
and I’ve tried to be civil
but it seems like a wild goose chase
and trying to make sense
of all this nonsense
well, I can’t even get to first base!
So, we need you to calm down
don’t get so easily aroused
you’re as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
I know your bark’s worse that your bite
and you’re really alright
and you want to avoid all this hassle
that being so,
get your ducks in a row
let’s keep the lid on this can of worms.
No more wild goose chases
to undesirable places
you ‘ll just get your fingers burned
Excuse me, this gets on my goat…. I’ve a frog in my throat
It just seems right out of place
Now, what was I saying
Oh, yes, it’s not a game that we’re playing,
we can’t be moving at this snail’s pace
Because, really a rhinoceros
or even a hippopotamus
shouldn’t be driving a flashy car
I mean I’m not surprised there’s a fuss
they’ve given you a license and that’s nuts
no wonder you haven’t got far!
Copyright TMB 2018